What is VikingsCon?
VikingsCon is the only dedicated fan convention in the U.S. for fans of the History show Vikings, as well as Viking history, culture, fantasy, and the "sword-and-shield" genres.
When and where is VikingsCon?
VikingsCon will be November 2 & 3, 2024, at the Charles County Fairgrounds in La Plata, Maryland USA.
What are the event hours?
- Saturday, November 2, 2024, from 11am - 6pm for the general public.
- Berserker VIP Feast passholders are permitted until 8 pm.
- Registration closes at 6 pm on Saturday.
- Sunday, November 3, 2024, from 11am - 6pm.
- VIP pass holders enter 30 minutes early, on both days.
How old do I have to be to attend VikingsCon?
Everyone is welcome to attend VikingsCon. However, some programming may not be suitable for all ages. Kids 12 and under are admitted free with a paid adult . Young children MUST be supervised at all times, as VikingsCon does not currently offer any babysitting services.
Where can I find a complete Programming schedule?
The Programming schedule will be made available on the website closer to the event date. You can also find the Programming schedule in the official Program Book available at Registration at the event.
Do you have Sponsorship and Advertising opportunities?
Yes, we do! We offer several levels of sponsorship, Program Book advertising, as well as other advertising opportunities for your company. Please contact redserpents.marketing@gmail.com for details.
What else do I need to know?
A few things to note about Registration and Passes. PLEASE TREAT YOUR BADGE/PASS AS CASH! If your badge/pass is lost, you will need to purchase a new one. If your badge has been stolen, please see Security or a Staff member. Additionally, all sales on passes are final and non-refundable. No exceptions!
How do I register for VikingsCon?
Register on the Tickets page. Registration for most passes will remain open until tickets are sold out. Day Passes may be purchased on-site at the event unless they are sold out.
What ticket/pass type should I choose?
Along with General Admission Day and Weekend passes, there are also various levels of VIP passes.
Can I get tickets at the door?
Yes, we sell tickets (except VIP) at the door unless the event is sold out.
Can I purchase multiple Admission Passes?
You can purchase multiple admission passes; however, the name of each attendee on each pass must be unique as each attendee will be checked in at the door. Each attendee will be required to check in with a photo ID. The name on the photo ID must match the name on the Pass. One Admission Pass per attendee.
Do I need a pass to attend the Viking Feast?
Only Berserker VIP (Includes Viking Feast) Pass holders will be admitted into the Viking Feast. Please check your ticket confirmation. .
To purchase an Add-On, do I need an Admission Pass?
Yes, All Add-on passes require the purchase of an Admission Pass to get into the convention and redeem those Add-On's.
What is your refund policy?
Our refund policy is determined per event. No refund will be issued 60 days before the start of the event. Refunds will not be issued after the event.
I've already purchased a Pass, can I upgrade to another Pass?
Yes, you can upgrade from a lower level pass to any higher level pass. If you upgrade to another Pass of greater value, you will be prompted to pay the difference in price.
Please note you can only upgrade Admission passes, not Add-On passes.
What if the guest that I wanted to meet cancels?
Cancellations are commonplace within the convention community. If you are coming solely for one guest, you may want to wait and purchase your tickets at the door. Celebrity cancellations may happen at any time. Refunds on Passes are not available, even in the case a celebrity cancels their appearance.
How many Meet and Greet Add-on Passes can I purchase?
You can purchase multiple Meet and Greet Add-on Passes, however, each attendee name must be unique. You cannot purchase multiple Meet and Greet Passes for the same guest, for the same attendee. You MUST have an Admission pass to purchase an Add-On Pass.
What do I need to bring with me to check in at VikingsCon?
You just need a print-out of your confirmation email, or you can show the confirmation email from your mobile device and a government or school-issued photo ID. A copy of a birth certificate can be used in place of a photo ID for attendees under the age of 18. Please note that the name on the pass must match the name on your photo ID.
Where is VikingsCon located?
VikingsCon will be located at the Charles County Fairgrounds, at 8440 Fairground Rd., La Plata, Maryland 20646.
How much is parking at the fairgrounds?
Parking at the fairgrounds is FREE, and done on a first-come, first-served basis.
Is the fairgrounds handicapped accessible?
The fairgrounds are handicapped accessible and meets all ADA requirements.
Does the fairgrounds have an ATM?
Yes. Although most vendors take plastic and cash..
Can I bring my own food and drink?
There will be several food and drink vendors on-site.
What is your Re-Entry policy?
Attendees that exit the fairgrounds are permitted to re-enter with proper badge/wrist-band.
What is your Pet Policy?
Dogs are allowed as long as they are friendly, on a leash, and owners must pick up and dispose of their dog's poop and throw-up.
Do you sell autograph tickets?
We do not pre-sell autographs from our website. All autograph purchases are cash at the tables at the convention. Just wait in the appropriate line and pay at each table.
How many autographs can I get?
You can get as many as you want to pay for.
What are "Photo Ops"?
Photo ops are professionally taken photos by our official event photographer, for which you will receive an 8×10 of your photo either on-site or mailed to you later. You can purchase additional print outs or digital downloads from our photo op provider. Photo ops will be available for purchase with cash or credit card at the convention. Photo ops are taken at scheduled times and are subject to change (times and celebrities in group photos). One photo op can have up to 2 adults and 2 children 12 and under along with the celebrities in it.
Can I take photos with the celebrity with my camera or mobile device?
Whether or not a celebrity allows what is known as “selfies” is up to each celebrity. Some allow it, some don’t and some charge for it. Please respect the wishes of our celebrities and follow the rules that the celebrity sets either by sign or by volunteer.
Can I take photos or videos of the convention in general?
Yes, we encourage you to take photos during the convention. Taking pictures or videos of celebrities at their tables is subject to the rules they set (see above). Taking pictures and videos at panels is subject to the rules announced at the beginning of each panel. Some panels may be restricted.
What are the benefits of volunteering for VikingsCon?
For On-site volunteers, admittance into VikingsCon is free. They may also receive other perks, such as free autographs and selfies with their favorite guest.
What's the difference between On-site volunteering and joining the Street Team?
On-site volunteers work the convention during the event days. Street Team members provide "foot-to-ground" marketing at other conventions (prior to VikingsCon) by distributing printed materials (i.e., flyers) and answering questions related to VikingsCon.
VikingsCon is dedicated to providing a harassment-free experience for everyone regardless of gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, age or religion. We do not tolerate harassment of VikingsCon participants in any form. VikingsCon participants violating these rules may be expelled from VikingsCon, without a refund, at the discretion of VikingsCon staff.
Any weapon that could seriously hurt somebody is not allowed. Specifically, but not limited to:
Prop weapons are allowed at VikingsCon, as long as they meet the following criteria: That they are composed of cardboard, foam, or something light. Prop firearms are allowed only if they cannot be mistaken for real weapons. The barrel of all prop firearms must be covered with brightly-colored caps. Prop bows will be allowed providing all arrows have soft tips and will not be shot.
Prop weapons will be allowed into VikingsCon at the discretion of VikingsCon Staff and uniformed security personnel. Safety is paramount, we will always err on the side of caution. There will be no place to store prohibited weapons on-site. If you have a weapon that is prohibited, you will be escorted from the venue and not allowed back in with the weapon.
If you purchase a prohibited weapon from a Vendor, that weapon must be peace-tied (i.e. the blade must be secured with a zip-tie so that it cannot be unsheathed). If you are not able to peace-tie the weapon and do not have a place to store your vendor-purchased weapon outside of the venue, such as in your vehicle, the vendor will be responsible for storing and tagging your weapon. You will then need to pick up your vendor-purchased weapon, at the end of the day, from the vendor.
Please use common sense! We are trying to create a safe space for everyone.
Only approved re-enactor group members and approved members of the VikingsCon programming will be permitted to carry live blades. However, those live blades must be Peace-Tied (i.e. the blade must be secured with a zip-tie so that it cannot be unsheathed). All live blades must be accounted for at all times by the approved member. Vikingscon Staff and Security are not responsible for your gear.
Panel rooms that hold Q&As with celebrity guests will be cleared after each panel.
Please look for signage at the convention denoting which rooms will be cleared after panels. VikingsCon Staff reserves the right to remove any persons from the Panel room who may be engaging in behavior that his disruptive to celebrity guests and attendees.
At VikingsCon, the safety of all of our attendees and special guests is always our first priority. VikingsCon is a private event, and as such, we reserve the right to remove any person from the event. Because we are committed to providing a safe and positive environment, any person who mistreats or harasses another person will be removed immediately and not allowed to return to the event.
We ask that you abide by common sense rules to guide your behavior: If someone does not want to interact with you, don’t interact with them. If you do not have permission to touch someone, don’t touch them. We rely on your good judgement and respect for others and their property to create a fun and memorable event, and would hate for you to miss it, so please take a moment to familiarize yourself with these rules so that doesn’t happen!
All VikingsCon attendees and special guests are required to adhere to this Code of Conduct. The VikingsCon badge is required for admittance to any VikingsCon function. VikingsCon reserves the right to revoke, without refund, this badge for noncompliance with these terms, for disorderly conduct including, but not limited to, any behavior that is illegal, unsafe, disruptive, discriminatory, or causes excessive discomfort to another person, or for sale or attempted sale of a badge. Further, VikingsCon reserves the right to permanently exclude any person who does not comply with the Code of Conduct from future events.
VikingsCon attendees and special guests are required to adhere to the instructions of all VikingsCon staff and agents, all security staff and agents, the staff of the Charles County Fairgrounds, and any and all law enforcement personnel.
VikingsCon attendees and special guests agree to observe and comply with any and all policies, rules, and regulations of the Charles County Fairgrounds, all laws, statutes, ordinances, rules, and regulations of the Government of the United States, the state of Maryland, the county of Charles and the city of La Plata.
You assume any and all risks occurring before, during, or after VikingsCon. You release VikingsCon and the Charles County Fairgrounds and their agents, licensees, assignees, and their respective affiliates and representatives from any related claims.
Alcohol and illegal drugs are expressly prohibited, even if they are part of a costume.
All VikingsCon functions have limited capacities as determined by the Fire Marshal. Although your badge/wristband is required for admittance to all functions, it does not guarantee you access to any function if it has reached its capacity. All autograph and photo booth sessions are of a limited nature, and your badge does not guarantee access to all of them.
If You Need Immediate Help
If you feel like your safety or the safety of another person is at risk, then please don’t hesitate to dial 911 or notify a VikingsCon staff member or security officer.